Dear Parents,
Saint Pius X Catholic School is the largest ministry of the parish. Thank for trusting in
our mission of educating your child in the practice of the faith.
Each year, the parish determines the eligibility for the active parishioner rate of tuition
on the basis of stewardship. Because you have registered as parishioners at Saint Pius
X, you enjoy an automatic subsidy of about $1,200 from the parish each year for each
enrolled child. The actual cost of your child’s education is $8,600, compared with your
tuition of $7,450 (These are 2024-2025 school year prices and are subject to change for
the 2025-2026 school year).
I trust that you are forming your child in the ways of faith by worshipping as a family at
Sunday Mass each week. I encourage you to witness for them the value of stewardship
of service through your work with one or more parish ministries and the value of
financial stewardship through regular sacrificial giving in envelopes or through Online
Giving. These are minimum requirements for being considered active parishioners to
receive the reduced rate of tuition.
Please review our policy, Stewardship and Catholic Education, and complete the
stewardship commitment form below. This form must be completed by
all registered parish families in order to qualify for the parishioner tuition rate and
to secure placement at Saint Pius X Catholic School for the 2025-2026 school
On behalf of the parish community, I thank you for faithfully serving God through your
many sacrificial gifts of time, talent and treasure.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Msgr. Michael Heintz