Instruction at this level uses a spiraling curriculum and multiple pedagogical strategies to provide quality instruction for students. Both whole group and small group instruction is used throughout the grades to ensure children have learned to read quality, age-appropriate literature to ensure fluency and comprehension by the end of second grade.
Writing workshops provide daily writing time to mold students to be independent, successful writers. All writing workshop lessons are guided by teachers, but led by the direction of the students and their writings. Teachers take in the stamina of students and build up their endurance for writing as the years progress.
Creative thinking, speaking and listening skills are practiced throughout all classes. Grade by grade, students build a foundation to grow rich in listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Tools used to guide children on the path to become proficient readers and writers are:
All programs scaffold through the grades to meet the individual needs of students. Formative and summative assessments are used throughout the grades to measure the skill levels of each child.
A variety of literature is utilized at this level: novel studies, read alouds, and some use of standard reading text which continues with My View. Students read independently in small book clubs under the direction of teachers or in a guided reading group. Sustained silent reading also enhances the reading components of language arts.
This program also provides many book choices for guided reading groups. Teacher-led instruction continues on a daily basis and spelling, phonics, grammar, and morphology are continually incorporated through mini-lessons linked to literature and writing. The goal in these grades is for students to read to learn various genres of literature. Non-fiction reading becomes a critical genre in these grades.
Writing is equally important in language arts in grades three-five. Children write daily across the curriculum. The writing process begins in the primary grades and as students progress through the grades, writing genres include narrative, expository, research reports, essays, and poems. Grammar usage and mechanics are integrated and reinforced through writing.
Middle school language arts classes focus on building skills in the areas of reading, writing, vocabulary, listening, and speaking.
Reading lessons include both fiction and nonfiction genres in the form of articles, novels, short stories, and research materials. Students are encouraged to develop a reading habit by fulfilling a weekly reading “choice” requirement that spans a variety of genres and subgenres to ensure exposure to all types of literature.
Writing skills are developed by teaching students to refine their writing, practicing the ”Six Traits” (Ideas, Organization, Voice, Word Choice, Sentence Fluency, Conventions). Teachers use the methods advocated by writing experts, Kristina Smekens and Lucy Calkins. Writing units include: narrative, argumentative, informational, and research.
Sixth grade students participate in a special “Writer’s Workshop”, meeting twice per week-in addition to their Language Arts class. The workshop includes: mini lessons, daily writing, and opportunities for students to collaborate and share their original writing pieces.
Vocabulary growth is achieved within reading and writing lessons, but especially by using the Wordly Wise program which incorporates the use of context clues, word study (Greek and Latin roots, prefixes and suffixes, and synonyms and antonyms), reading comprehension, and writing.