Students may wear any appropriate top (no inappropriate screen printing), and jeans or athletic
pants/shorts on the bottom. Shorts must extend to the end of the fingertips AND may only be
worn before November 1 or after March 31. Leggings, skinny style pants are allowed if the top
covers the bottom. Tennis or casual shoes are acceptable, no slippers, no open toe or sandals are permitted. If a student has PE on a dress down day, students should wear appropriate shoes. All other dress code rules apply.
On themed dress down days, masks and political costumes are prohibited.
Additional guidelines for Dress Down Day:
-SHOES: Tennis or casual shoes are acceptable. (No slippers, open toe shoes or sandals).
-GYM CLASS ON DDD: Students who have PE should wear PE tennis shoes.
-OPT OUT: Students who choose not to participate should wear their regular school uniform.
-DRESS CODE ENFORCEMENT: All other Dress Code rules apply (no make-up, no nail polish, no jewelry, etc.) .
Note: Some students choose to "dress up" instead of down, which is absolutely allowed following the guidelines above. Note: Recess and PE activities will be expected regardless of student decision on attire for the day.