The Blessed Solanus Casey Team is a team of parents, teachers, educational resource professionals, and administrators working together to open the doors of Saint Pius X Catholic School to all students. We are dedicated to creating inclusive learning strategies and resources to enhance and support the learning needs and abilities of all students.
Professional Development
This committee organizes opportunities for support and growth for our school staff, who actively engage with and cultivate an increasingly diverse student body.
Marketing + Awareness
This committee aims to increase the visibility and accessibility of the Blessed Solanus Team and the Resource Room in positive ways throughout the school and parish.
Resources + Funding
This committee gathers information about existing funding to support the Resource Room in its spending opportunities, and will begin planning and planting seeds for future stewardship opportunities.
Community Building
This committee welcomes and creates opportunities of connection for families impacted by the Resource Room, both with one another and with our school and parish communities.
If you would like to receive updates or get involved, click HERE.
Bernard Francis Casey was born in 1870 to an Irish immigrant family in Wisconsin. Upon joining the OFM Capuchins in Detroit as a young man, he took the name Francis Solanus (or just ‘Solanus’, due to the numerous ‘Francis’es around). Solanus would ultimately become known as a brother, an intercessor, a porter, a devotee of Mary, a lover of the poor and sick, and a fiddler. He was soft-spoken and once called “a replica of St. Francis”.
However, Br. Solanus’ vocational journey was marked by challenges that elicited deep humility and faith. As a youth, Solanus struggled to keep pace with classmates in school, and later with his fellow seminarians. The passing of both his major exams in the seminary are considered miraculous. In the end, Solanus was ordained a simplex priest. As such, he would never have the privilege of saying Mass or hearing confessions. Instead, he was relegated to the front door and the sacristy, where he greeted visitors and trained servers. Fr. Solanus faithfully submitted to the decisions of his superiors, and God used this deep faith to impact thousands. Fr. Solanus’ spiritual counsel at the door of the friary became the hallmark of his ministry. People lined up for blocks and traveled for hours just to pray with him. Near the end of his life, Fr. Solanus was moved away from the crowds who gathered to see him in both Detroit and New York, to retire in the quiet town of Huntington, IN. After several years in our diocese, he returned to his home friary in Detroit shortly before his passing in 1957. Many spiritual and physical healings were attributed to Fr. Solanus’ prayers of intercession, during his life and after his death. He was beatified by Pope Francis in 2017.
Due to Bl. Solanus Casey's connection with our FWSB Diocese, and as a student who learned differently than his peers, we believe he will be an incredible intercessor for our team, staff, students and school. Just like during his time as a porter, we hope Bl. Solanus’ prayers will aid us in obtaining the small miracles necessary to 'open doors' to all students and families seeking a Catholic education at our school.